
Payment of rent
Rent is due the first day of every month.
If the due date is on a holiday, Saturday, or Grundlovsdag (May 5th), the due date will be changed to the next weekday. The payment is considered within the required time, when it is paid no later than the third weekday after the due date.

If the payment for rent is not received within the required time as mentioned above, you will receive a letter with a fee of 250.00 Danish kroner, which must be paid with the next payment of rent.

Rent must be paid to the following bank account: Registration number: 9444, account number: 7062907, or you may pay rent with Dankort (debit card) at Beboerservice on Bryggergårdsvej 2B, 2600 Glostrup.

Print page

Glostrup Boligselskab

Bryggergårdsvej 2B
2600 Glostrup

  (+45) 43 96 28 86

CVRnr. 65 12 32 15


Telefon- og åbningstider

Beboerservice, Bryggergårdsvej 2 B

Mandag, tirsdag og onsdag 10.00-12.00
Fredag 9.00-11.00

Personlig henvendelse
Mandag og onsdag 13.00-14.00
Torsdag 14.00-17.00

Driftskontor, Stubben 5

Mandag, tirsdag, onsdag og torsdag 10.00-12.00
Fredag 9.00-11.00

Personlig henvendelse
Mandag og onsdag 13.00-14.00