
ConCor søger frontendudvikler med erfaring i NodeJS og VanillaJS

2/15/2017 8:57 AM |  ConCor OLD 2 |  CMS Admin
Start: As soon as possible
Length of contract: 3 month with option for renewal for the rest of the year.
Location: København
We're seeking a fast paced learner and a good collegue which can join our team in building the best user experience for our streaming platform on the web.
You must have experience with technologies like NodeJS, be an expert in vanilla JS and love to use your terminal as a work tool.
Also basic knowledge about ReactJS, Redux, streams and single-page-applications, best pratice JS, functional programming, performance optimization is a big plus.
It would also be nice if you have basic experience in Agile development, Git, Jira, deployment and Linux, so we can start improving and use less time on structure.
At the moment we're improving and bugfixing our current web-app, which is built with BackboneJS and KefirJS.
In the near future we will go through a bug refactoring, where we need a new architechture, as we are seeing a big growth in our userbase.

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Eventuelle spørgsmål til Jesper Mikkelsen på / tlf. 29 72 29 12

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