
Picture album - take pictures and share them with your company

Share your companies pictures on Intersite

Did you know, that you easily can share pictures with other members of your company
Pictures taken during matches, practices or other events can all be available on Intersite

It's free, there’s no space limitation - and it's easy!

1. Add Album

Start by adding your album. This is done using the menu on the left, and by clicking "Applications", "Pictures" and then "Add Album":

2. Create album and upload your pictures to the album

Compose a title and click "Add Album" (E.g. "company Trip 2009").

You are now ready to transfer pictures to the folder. Click "Select Pictures" here:

When the pictures are selected, transfer them by clicking on the button "Upload".

The pictures have now been saved in the album. You can add more pictures to the album now, or later.

You can now share the album with your company, and other company members can enjoy the pictures too.

3. Share the album with your company

While you are viewing the album, click on "Who Can See This Album":

You will now have the option to select your company and click "Assign Permission":

4. Find the album on your companies public pages

You can now find the album on your companies public pages.

Go to the top of the page, and find the search field. Enter the name of your company.

Find your company, and choose "Pictures".

The members of your company can also find your picture album using the menu on the left, under the company:

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